Monday, March 28, 2016



Surreal though but Ethereal,
Blessed in holiness the waters cleanse,
The world around her very real,
Thoughts in her mind very pleased.

Ripples created by the splash,
The saints on shore on a monotonous chant,
Lightening striking in a blinding flash; And,
The birds around in a chirruping rant.

Ecstatic moments, they seem to near,
Draped in a cloth effervescently as such,
The maiden she stood without any fear,
Her body and soul cleansed by the touch.

The waters around her very clear,
Touched the heart, reverberations of chants,
Pyres they burnt incessantly near,
Singed in the heat as the blades burnt.

The ground around seethingly grey,
Ash in the sky, with wails around,
People as they looked on, towards the prey,
Oblivious she was, to the hues and sound.

She raised her hands to the skies above,
When suddenly a shriek, it came from the crowd.
Aghast we looked, when a tempestous surge,
A water wall swept her off the ground.

The lady pulled in by the watery wave,
The crowd now looked on in ghastly awe,
Numb struck by shock, they could not save,
The life that was, now no more there!

20th November 2012

From "Life Through a Prism"
Poet: VKN Umasankar

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Life's strange ways come multi - pronged.

The writings on the wall with time change to grafiti.

Fun things are to be carried out un-hindered - don't ever think it is silly doing it. If that thought creeps in it is not fun any more. It starts looking silly.

Musical overtures are present everywhere. One has to only listen. Do not shut your ears to the world. You have to feel music to be a part of it and to be able to appreciate it.

Life is to be felt, touched, smelt, heard, listened, dreamt, tasted, digested, romanticised, aromatised, vapourised, aerated, worn, torn, shredded, vacuumised, dusted, washed, collected, loved, hugged, seen, watched, looked, tingled, walked, ran through, jogged, drunk, fished, hunted.

Life is a feeling encompassing many facets of life. You cannot just close a facet, you cannot phase out of it, you delve from one to another romantically. Life dawns upon you when one is born and lives even after the human body dies, it lives in the deeds performed! What more can one philosophise upon any further.

Stories are always created, woven and presented. Intertwining is only done to complicate characterisations of the living dead.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Most Sought After thoughts and expressions

The Heat on a cold winter day.

Chilly Air on a hot summer day.

Moisture while walking through clouds.

Versatility of thought and expression

The flight of fantasy and freedom of thought.

The Pregnant Delivery.

The Scrambled brush with life.

Passionate Living.

The Beautiful Seed.

The Life Vanquisher.

Crystals on the Roadside.

White Pink and Green.

Love encompassioned.

Busy Coffee Haus - Gross people.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Random Thoughts

The Stringed Quartet.

Why have the gods gone wild!

God! Please correct people's thoughts!

It feels like being on tenterhooks.

Hell's broken loose.

Working in a Separator, Working for Separation!!

In loneliness forever.

Yellow dates!!!

As the wind blows!

Sands eerie forms.

What goes in must come out.

When you cheat you will get the result!!

Results in the lost world.

Life must go on.

Italia here I come!!

Giovanni where are you.

Why do the winds blow!

Toto forever.

Love Lost is Love Found.

Targets Planned:

01. Fix Them

02. See Them

03. Achieve Them

04. Live For Them

05. Be Happy

06. Take Mother With You!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Life's ways are mysterious

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Touch of Life

The closeness of the breath,
The warmth of one's touch,
The lingering of freshness,
Thats when chemistry merges,
A new love is born, 

Promises are made,
Bonds are born, 
A new relation is made,
But when love is lost,
Life's charm is lost,
The reason to live is lost.

That is when the charm to life for atleast one person is lost.