Sunday, April 15, 2012


Life's strange ways come multi - pronged.

The writings on the wall with time change to grafiti.

Fun things are to be carried out un-hindered - don't ever think it is silly doing it. If that thought creeps in it is not fun any more. It starts looking silly.

Musical overtures are present everywhere. One has to only listen. Do not shut your ears to the world. You have to feel music to be a part of it and to be able to appreciate it.

Life is to be felt, touched, smelt, heard, listened, dreamt, tasted, digested, romanticised, aromatised, vapourised, aerated, worn, torn, shredded, vacuumised, dusted, washed, collected, loved, hugged, seen, watched, looked, tingled, walked, ran through, jogged, drunk, fished, hunted.

Life is a feeling encompassing many facets of life. You cannot just close a facet, you cannot phase out of it, you delve from one to another romantically. Life dawns upon you when one is born and lives even after the human body dies, it lives in the deeds performed! What more can one philosophise upon any further.

Stories are always created, woven and presented. Intertwining is only done to complicate characterisations of the living dead.