An abrupt start,
Something one would never have imagined, Who was she may be before I wrote to her - this is what one can call - A bolt in the blue.
No schooling together, not from the same place, did not graduate from the same college, Never worked together - got in touch through some one else's web page -
I was an un-welcomed guest in her life - sort of barged into her life - and said yes I am so and so.
I started writing this post at about 15:15 Hrs and I am waiting for 16:00 Hrs when I will access face book where I would be able to down load the communications and paste it here. I can never ever forget the words "an excerpt of our communications" as below:
Jonty Rajagopalan
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16 April at 08:39
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Hey! Do I know you? Sorry but just can't recall having studied with you!
Vadrevu Umasankar
16 April at 13:11
good reasoning and you do not know me.
Jonty Rajagopalan
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16 April at 13:32
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Ok..... so........??
Vadrevu Umasankar
16 April at 13:40
so.......... what......... cant two ppl get to know each other even if you have not studied together?
Well if you think no then this is it.
Call it off.
Jonty Rajagopalan
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16 April at 22:17
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That's too violent a reaction.... All I was asking was if there was some particular reason you got in touch with me... I do have a right to ask...and you could have replied in a straightforward way... anyway...
Vadrevu Umasankar18 April at 18:25
Life looks more appealing if one opens up but will be appalling if u doubt everything
Be positive in life.
Have a great day ahead.
Jonty Rajagopalan
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20 April at 09:52
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Well....isn't it amazing how a simple question can get so complicated! Have a good week ahead, Umesh...
Jonty - thanks for the time and it has been a pleasure to have you in this team of
"Friends forever" A page I reckon, plan and hope to maintain for the rest of my life where I have been pouring all my savoured thoughts and experiences.
These are the pages I treasure.
God has his own sweet ways of telling people when, where and whom you need to meet.
The plan is all there written and scheduled to happen on time, every time. It is only for man or woman to treasure what was in store for them and to make it happen.
It is not always good that happens, sometimes bad also happens - it is for us to savour and spread the goodness and most important to keep away the bad.
As told by Richard Bach in one of his many books "Bad is not the worst that can happen to us, nothing is the worst that can happen to us".
So learning from this well I must say Jonty - Thanks for being there and thanks for letting me savour this feeling and also letting me share it with the world. In this part of the world there is no such thing as a downpour - the only downpour that occurs in my life while I am here are the words and thoughts of people around me.
Well life is always happenning around.
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